HMS Queen Mary

The first 1/1250 scale waterline capital ship that was printed on my Prusa Mini filament printer was a Thingiverse design and worked exceptionally well only needing to be better attached to the baseplate to obtain a fine print at 0.15mm resolution. As I already owned a Navis model of Queen Mary, I decided to finish the printed model according to a photograph of her in Reserve livery of dark grey with light grey turrets. The model needed anchors and torpedo nets and the photo from 1914 showed that the forefunnel had a white band. I firstly finished the model in overall dark grey with wood-effect decks and tan walkway around the boat enclosure abaft of the third funnel but decided to finish her like the photograph (British Battlecruisers p36 but without the awnings). HMS Tiger is visible behind Queen Mary in the photograph showing that Queen Mary still had the funnel band after the war had started, at least for a day or two!
Another print of Queen Mary was used to make the model of Queen Mary "opening up like a puff-ball" to quote an observer on HMS Tiger. The model of the blast wave as the USS Arizona exploded at Pearl Harbor was hollowed out by casting with a rubber plug inside the mould and cutting and filling the casting of the blast wave to suit the Queen Mary hull print. The smoke is produced by spray painting teased-out cotton fibres from the output of a carding machine.

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